Diploma in Mentoring Excellence
The Norman Benett Coaching and Mentoring Academy invites you to the following program:
- Mentoring Foundation
- Mentoring Practitioner - Advanced Level
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Diploma in Mentoring Excellence
The entire Mentor Academy consists of two levels: Mentoring Foundation and Mentoring Practitioner.
Mentoring Foundation prepares for the role of Mentor in the organization. Mentoring Practitioner deepens knowledge and competencies and prepares for the role of external Mentor. Each of the courses will allow you to approach the international EIA Accreditation on a simplified path, respectively at the Foundation or Practitioner level.
International Standards We have created a course based on European Mentoring & Coaching Council competencies. The course consists of modules designed to complement the acquisition of key competencies, giving you a professional foundation in your mentor and manager practice.
Completing an accredited course enables participants to obtain Individual International Mentor and Coach Accreditation, known as the simplified path. Since 2009, we have been conducting Accredited courses; we are the first school in Poland to work based on EMCC standards and we were the first to introduce Accreditation of courses for our graduates.
EMCC Coach and Mentor competencies that are the basis of Accreditation and that you will gain in our program:
The course consists of 6 thematic areas, which are planned for 6 online meetings or 3 full days of workshops. Additionally, participants take part in skills training and conduct 6 hours of practical mentoring sessions with someone outside of the course. One of these sessions will be supervised, providing additional benefits for practical mentoring skills as a mentor.
If you are interested in a detailed program, please contact us :)
Note: After this course, you can proceed to the international EMCC EIA Foundation Accreditation on a simplified path.
Module I - Mentor's Self-Awareness Module II - Mentor's Code of Ethics
Module III - Working with Values in Mentoring Module IV - Working with Beliefs
Module V - Storytelling and Metaphor Work Module VI - Mentee's Role, Roles, and Responsibilities in the Mentoring Process
Module V - Mentoring in Organizations Module VI - Summary, Examination Session, and Certification Additional Module: Preparation for Individual Accreditation - for those interested
Participation in the Foundation course is a prerequisite for attending the Practitioner course.
Note: After this course, you can proceed to the international EMCC EIA Accreditation on a simplified path at the Practitioner level.
"Everyone Needs the Mentor" David Clutterbuck
Areas of Coach and Mentor Competence: In the competency areas, I assist in: Building and managing local and international teams Recruiting employees and actively participating in recruitment processes: I built 2 IKAM organizations Establishing employee evaluation systems for organizational and team needs: 15 years in international corporations Helping define the role of manager and leader in team building and management - Function of Regional Sales Director in CEE Career path planning, job changes, increasing efficiency, adjusting to promotions Discovering individual and organizational resources and potential, and improving effectiveness Value-based management in organizations Conducting training on team management Preparing materials for training sessions, including PowerPoint presentations Project management: planning activities in relation to planned financial flows and human resources Art of negotiation: lifelong practice Consulting: Work for Carrus Sweden Managing organizational change and at the level of leaders and managers through goal setting, planning, motivating, and discovering internal resources. Preparing for trade show events for business development in Europe and worldwide: 12 years in the industry. In the transformational area, I assist in: Implementing a developmental management style in the organization (coaching and mentoring) Personal transformation Utilizing available knowledge from neuroscience in providing tools for dealing with stress and crisis situations Helping strengthen body awareness and internal processes Assisting in overcoming professional and life burnout, midlife crisis Leading men's circles to build a sense of value and confidence in men with respect for gender equality.
The EIA accreditation fee is not included in the course price.
The EIA accreditation fee is not included in the course price.
I will gladly answer all your questions and provide the course content program.
Piotr Suminski - project coordinator and content Tel. + 48 533 303 783 piotr.suminski@normanbenett.pl
„Everyone Needs the Mentor” David Clutterbuck Obszary kompetencji Coacha i Mentora: W obszarach kompetencyjnych pomagam W budowaniu i zarządzaniu zespołami lokalnymi jak i międzynarodowymi Rekrutowałem pracowników i sam uczestniczyłem w procesach rekrutacyjnych: Zbudowałem 2 organizacje IKAM Zbudowałem systemy ocen pracowniczych dla potrzeb organizacji i zespołów: 15 lat w korporacjach międzynarodowych Pomagam określać rolę managera i […]